Extending Encryption
Encryption empowers people and keeps them safe. We need encryption for everyone, everywhere.
Encryption is a vital tool for protecting ourselves in a digital society. Yet governments are increasingly trying to undermine this valuable tool, putting us all in danger.
From when we wake up in the morning to when we go to bed at night, we rely on encryption every day. It safeguards the personal security of billions of people around the world and the national security of countries everywhere. Whether it’s our private messages, online banking, air traffic control, medical data, or e-voting, our online information must be protected against eavesdropping and tampering.
We’re working across the globe to protect encryption by helping policymakers understand proposals that could jeopardize our security online.

Strengthening the Internet
To keep the Internet strong, we’re:
- Educating policymakers about the importance of protecting and promoting the use of strong encryption
- Working with advocates everywhere to speak up for strong encryption
- Collaborating with our partners to mitigate threats to encryption throughout the world
- Continuing to grow the Global Encryption Coalition to strengthen the efforts of advocates worldwide to promote and protect a more secure and trustworthy Internet
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