Action Plan 2022
A Healthy Internet
for Future Generations
The Internet Society’s Action Plan 2022 provides a roadmap to keep the Internet a resource for everyone, everywhere.
For decades to come.
Growing the Internet
Accelerating technological innovation and the digitization of essential services like healthcare and education are leading to a wider digital divide. Inequalities are deepening, with some countries, communities, and regions are benefitting from fast, affordable Internet connections, while others lack access altogether. This must change.
In 2022, the Internet Society will grow the Internet by helping community networks succeed; developing local Internet ecosystems and strengthening cross-border interconnection; supporting new and established technical communities; measuring the health, availability, and evolution of the Internet; and exploring opportunities related to Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEOs).

In 2022, we will continue to
support community networks by:
- Building and deploying
3 new community networks - Improving 7 existing
community networks - Delivering helpful materials to
at least 1,000 people - Training a minimum of 300 people
through our courses
Fostering Sustainable Peering Infrastructure
A considerable amount of money is spent every year to route Internet traffic through expensive international links. This circuitous route negatively impacts the user experience and increases local Internet costs. Increased costs can delay user uptake and opportunity. Reports and studies have shown that Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are not only effective in improving the end-user experience and lowering cost of access, but they also prompt development of the local Internet ecosystem and cross-border interconnection.
IXPs improve the end-user experience, lower cost of access, and prompt development of local Internet ecosystems and cross-border interconnection.
The Internet Society remains committed to growing the peering ecosystem through the development of IXPs across the globe and to strengthening interconnection so that the Internet is cheaper, faster, and more resilient.

In 2022, we will deliver on our commitment by:
- Developing 3 new IXPs
- Providing support to 10 existing
IXPs - Amplifying the efforts of 8 IXP
development organizations - Encouraging 3 regional IXP
associations to adopt our 50%
local-traffic vision

Enabling Sustainable Technical Community
Technical communities—including Network Operator Groups, National Research and Education Networks, Domain Name System Forums, Regional Internet Registries, and peering forums—are at the heart of a sustainable local Internet ecosystem. They play a vital role in identifying communities in need, nurturing strong technical experts, and building relationships with local partners with whom we collaborate.
Technical communities play a vital role in identifying
communities in need, nurturing strong technical
experts, and building relationships with local partners.

In 2022, we will continue to
support sustainable technical
communities by:
- Establishing 5 new technical
communities - Ensuring at least 1,800 people
participate in our relevant courses
Measuring the Internet
The Pulse platform is a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, journalists, network operators, civil society groups, technologists, and Internet enthusiasts who rely on trusted data and insights to influence outcomes for an open, globally connected, trustworthy, and secure Internet.
Since its launch in 2020, Internet Society Pulse has provided meaningful, reliable, and understandable data about the health, availability, and evolution of the Internet.
Internet Society Pulse has provided meaningful, reliable, and understandable data about the health, availability, and evolution of the Internet.

In 2022, we will focus on:
- Increasing page views and social
media engagement by 50%
compared to 2021 - Garnering 12 media mentions of the
Pulse platform - Developing 4 new partnerships with
data and research providers

Low Earth Orbit Satellites
Companies such as SpaceX, Amazon, OneWeb, Telesat, and others are racing to launch large systems of Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEOs) to provide Internet access. Could they help bridge the digital divide, particularly in rural regions, or will they create more challenges?
We will explore the pros and cons of LEOs for addressing the digital divide—and what factors policymakers and technologists should think about when examining them.
Could LEOs help bridge the digital divide or will they create more challenges?

In 2022, we will:
- Explore these considerations in
collaboration with our community - Develop a public position about
Strengthening the Internet
The Internet was built to be built upon. Its open architecture makes it a critical resource for people across vast distances to come together to innovate and create for the greater good. This open architecture, however, leaves the structure and regulation of the Internet vulnerable to powerful parties.
In 2022, the Internet Society will promote and defend the Internet by equipping people to protect the strong foundation of the Internet, advocating for end-to-end encryption, securing global routing, facilitating knowledge exchange about network and distributed system security, and examining the many ways digital sovereignty is interpreted by those who seek to assert it.
Internet Way of Networking
The Internet is for everyone, but it’s not just our privilege to use it. It’s our collective responsibility to protect it. Over decades, the Internet has become a critical resource offering those with access virtually infinite opportunities to innovate and work together for the collective good.
To protect the Internet, we must illustrate what the Internet needs to work for everyone, champion Internet impact assessments as a best practice in decision-making processes, and place community at the forefront of advocacy efforts to make sure policy and technology developments support the Internet Way of Networking.
The Internet is for everyone, but it’s not just our privilege to use it. It’s our collective responsibility to protect it.

In 2022, we will:
- Add 2 new courses to our Internet Way of Networking e-learning program
- Produce a public repository of crowdsourced Internet impact briefs
- Add 10 additional screening reports to the repository
- Train Internet Society staff on conducting Internet impact assessments
- Reach 200 downloads of our advocacy playbook

Extending Encryption
We continue to observe governments around the world making policy choices that could undermine encryption, which puts people’s personal security and privacy at risk, threatens economic development, and compromises the Internet’s global trustworthiness. We stand against policies or legislation that would encourage or force companies to weaken or limit the use of strong encryption.
We will continue to focus on advocacy, with the aim of engaging policymakers who have the power to either endorse use of strong encryption or to undermine it.
We will equip the Global Encryption Coalition and the Internet Society community with the tools needed to help increase awareness of the value of encryption.

In 2022, together we will:
- Engage in 750 advocacy activities
- Grow the Global Encryption Coalition
to 400 members
Securing Global Routing
From sending email to streaming videos, to making financial transactions, information travels across the Internet constantly. The global Internet routing system ensures the information arrives at its intended destination. However, by virtue of being open, the Internet’s global routing system is vulnerable to leaks, errors, and even attacks from nefarious actors. These can lead to misdirection of traffic and denial of service, resulting in reputational damage, lost revenue, and exposure of sensitive data.
We will continue to promote routing security and aim for broader uptake by network operators in routing security measures. Additionally, we will continue providing ongoing support to transition MANRS to a community-designed and community-led effort.
By virtue of being open, the Internet’s global routing system is vulnerable to leaks, errors, and even attacks from nefarious actors.

In 2022, we will aim for the following targets:
- 15% increase in Route Origin Authorization creation by MANRS participants
- 5% increase of existing MANRS participants implementing Route Origin Validation
- 25% reduction in the number of non-conforming MANRS participants after joining

Sharing Cutting Edge Knowledge at NDSS
In 2022, we will continue to facilitate knowledge sharing, information exchange, and development of future generations of security experts by hosting the annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS). In its 27th year, the NDSS symposium continues to evolve as it strives to grow the technical content and collaboration opportunities while exploring, we hope, the new possibilities of hybrid physical/virtual conference formats.
In its 27th year, the NDSS symposium continues to evolve as it strives to grow the technical content and collaboration opportunities.

To ensure the event is cutting edge, dynamic, and meaningful, we will:
- Expand funding through sponsorship and grants with a target of $45,000
- Facilitate at least 2 collaborations between the NDSS research community and the open standards community
- Maintain NDSS as a top-5 premier academic research symposium for computer and network security in the world
Exploring Digital Sovereignty and Opportunities for the Internet
The term “digital sovereignty” is increasingly being used to rationalize government measures and policies that target or impact the Internet. Some of these could have negative consequences on the way the Internet operates and its utility to the global community.
Ultimately, this work advances the Internet Society’s and the wider community’s thinking as it relates to digital sovereignty and the Internet way of building networks by conducting a policy development process on the topic. Our hope is that the position will provide a foundation for future analysis.
The term “digital sovereignty” is increasingly being used to rationalize government measures and policies that target or impact the Internet.

In 2022, we will:
- Examine the ways digital
sovereignty is interpreted - Determine our position on digital
sovereignty with our community - Provide a foundation for future

Empowering People to Take Action
Change happens when people with different opinions, ideas, and expertise engage in collective action toward a common goal. Our community of energetic and committed Individual Members, Organizational Members, Chapters, and SIGs bring positive change for the Internet by taking action in their own communities and regions. Through activities like volunteering, fundraising and advocacy, the Internet Society comes together to make the Internet bigger and stronger.
We will continue to empower Internet champions to take concerted action, focus on opportunities that support sustainable growth and greater impact, and amplify the positive impact we can achieve together.
In 2022, our efforts will include: strengthening our community by equipping them with the knowledge and resources they need; growing our pool of Internet champions through learning and fellowship opportunities; implementing improved tools that our community uses to connect with one another; pursuing partnership and funding opportunities to scale our efforts; and leveraging our subject matter expertise to shape legal precedent that aligns with our mission.
Sharing Knowledge Globally to Inspire Action Locally
Our chapter leaders are a key to building local communities that thrive. We will support them with training, networking opportunities, and fundamental knowledge about Internet Society projects to ensure they have the tools they need to build local solutions to global Internet challenges.
Our chapter leaders are a key to building local communities that thrive.

In 2022, we will:
- Train 500 chapter members on
topics fundamental to our mission - Encourage at least 20% of trained
participants to implement an
activity in their local community
Building Structure and Strength in Special Interest Groups
The Internet Society community is made up of people everywhere who care about the Internet. Working together, we apply our diverse experiences, knowledge, and passion so everyone can benefit from the Internet. There are many ways for Internet Society members to get involved, including joining a special interest group and/or standing group where Internet Society members discuss shared topics of interest.
In 2022 we will help our special interest and/or standing groups to develop workplans and support them in achieving their 2022 goals.
Special Interest Group Topics:
- Internet for Education
- Online Safety
- Internet of Things
- Affordable Internet Access
- Cybersecurity
Standing Group Topics:
- Accessibility
- Gender
- Youth
Mobilizing Individual Members
Last year, our members shared feedback about what’s most important to them. At the top of the list were opportunities to network and get to know each other, exchange knowledge, learn from one another, and solve problems together. With this feedback in mind, in 2022 we will deliver pragmatic content like newsletters, toolkits, and case studies.
Opportunities to network and get to know each other, exchange knowledge, learn from one another, and solve problems together.

We will:
- Audit our core communication
channels - Continue our membership
newsletter - Add a new subscription-based,
tailored newsletter to our portfolio

Securing Resources for Growth and Greater Impact
We will continue to focus our outreach to a broader, more diverse range of partners and potential funders, including private foundations, corporations, individuals, development banks, multilateral and international governmental organizations, and nonprofit associations. In doing so, we ensure sustainable growth, public support, and active participation of our partners which, in turn, advances and protects our ability to deliver on our mission and vision for years to come.
Sustainable growth, public support, active participation of our partners advances and protects our ability to deliver on our mission and vision.

In 2022, we will focus on:
- Securing US$390,000 in sponsorships and US$600,000 in grants
- Securing 16 new sources of funding
- Securing 25 additional partners
Driving Action through Knowledge
When people are trained on technical, business, and/or policy aspects of growing and strengthening the Internet, they can more effectively build, promote, and defend it.
Through Learning @ Internet Society, our training and development program, we build the expertise of those who share our mission, so they are equipped with the knowledge they need to champion the Internet.
We build the expertise of those who share our mission, so they are equipped with the knowledge they need to champion the Internet.

In 2022, we will:
- Enroll at least 10,000+ people in our e-learning courses
- Aim for a 92% satisfaction rating
from those who complete the courses

Empowering Internet Advocates
Our impact is amplified when we equip the Internet champions of the future and empower the Internet champions of today.
To develop and equip our network of Internet champions, we will continue to offer the Early Career Fellowship, the Internet Governance Forum Youth Ambassador Program, and Internet Engineering Task Force Policy Program. We will also launch our Mid Career Fellowship, which is designed for Internet leaders who seek to advance their Internet-related careers by leveling up their skills and expertise.
Our impact is amplified when we equip the Internet champions of the future and empower the Internet champions of today.

In 2022, we will:
- Empower 85 fellows
- Launch our Mid Career Fellowship
- Build an impactful global
alumni network
Strengthening Our Community Connections and Participation
Our community of dedicated individuals, organizations, and volunteers rely on software systems to stay connected to fellow community members and to engage with our efforts to make the Internet bigger and stronger.
We will continue efforts to modernize our platforms, including our association management and relationship management systems. We will ensure these platforms meet the needs of our community and provide the support they need to bring about global change in favor of an open, globally connected, trustworthy, and secure Internet.
We will continue efforts to modernize our platforms, including our association management and relationship management systems.

In 2022, we will focus on:
- Implementing updated systems and tools
- Decommissioning any systems and tools that are outdated or no longer used

Shaping Legal Precedent in Alignment with Our Mission
As an expert voice for a bigger, stronger Internet, we are positioned to offer subject-matter and technical expertise to courts. The new amicus curiae “friend of the court” initiative will help shape legal precedent in favor of an open, globally connected, trustworthy, and secure Internet. It will also create avenues for strengthening collaboration with our organizational members and building alliances with other organizations.
We anticipate four other organizations that are similarly committed to Internet-related matters will seek our support in the coordination of, or sign on to their briefs.
As an expert voice for a bigger, stronger Internet, we are positioned to offer subject-matter and technical expertise to courts.

In 2022, we will:
- Identify up to 6 important,
precedential cases and
controversies - Pursue 2 of which by filing briefs at appropriate U.S. courts of law
- Leverage amicus briefs as a way for
others to collaborate with us

Making Our
Vision a Reality
By working alongside our global community, we will ensure the Internet is for everyone.
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© Internet Society / Christian O’Flaherty
© Klaus Tezokeng Chiha
© Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures
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© Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures
© Atul Loke / Panos Pictures
© Internet Society
© Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash
© Stonehouse Photographic
© Chris Gregory
© Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures
© Elyse Butler
© Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures
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