Almost 500 leading academics, industry researchers, and security practitioners from around the world gathered in San Diego, California in February for the 30th edition of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) to discuss the latest research and developments in Internet security research. A further 130 participants attended remotely.
The Internet Society has proudly hosted the NDSS Symposium since 1993 to foster the next generation of Internet security experts and to support open, accessible, and collaborative security to research to help strengthen the Internet. The event is designed to encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of practical security technologies.
2023 Event
The five-day event kicked off with keynote presentations from Richard Ford (Praetorian), who gave a timely opening talk on ChatGPT, and what it meant for machine learning for cybersecurity and privacy. Google’s Nina Taft discussed the challenges faced by developers with respect to continually evolving privacy laws, policies and user preferences.

Richard Ford gives the Tuesday keynote at the NDSS Symposium 2023

The week continued with 94 paper presentations and 34 posters presentations.
Alongside the main symposium, eight co-located workshops and symposia were held, and a further 81 papers presented during these events.
This year, a special anniversary session was also organized to celebrate the achievements and successes that the NDSS Symposium has had over the last 30 years. A highlight of this session was the community-developed video, ZoomInNDSS:
Volunteer Led
Each year, the NDSS Symposium’s volunteer leadership ensures a top quality and engaging program and a seamlessly organized event.
We’d like to thank 2023 General Chairs Carrie Gates (Bank of America) and Cristina Nita-Rotaru (Northeastern University), Program Committee Co-Chairs Wenyuan Xu (Zhejiang University) and Mathias Payer (EPFL), Workshops Co-Chairs Ben Stock (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security) and Xiaojing Liao (Indiana University), and the wider Program Committee, Steering Group and Organizing Committee for the hard work and dedication that went into making this year’s symposium the success that it was.
Sponsors and Partners
NDSS Symposium was made possible by 15 sponsors and partners, who generously demonstrated their organization’s support for emerging research and for the next generation of leaders in the security field.
2023 Awards
2023 Distinguished Paper Award winners:
Your Router Is My Prober: Measuring IPv6Networks via ICMP Rate Limiting Side Channels
Long Pan∗†, Jiahai Yang∗†‡, Lin He∗†‡, Zhiliang Wang∗†‡, Leyao Nie∗†, Guanglei Song∗†, Yaozhong Liu∗†
∗ Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, BNRist, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
† Zhongguancun Laboratory, Beijing, China
‡ Quan Cheng Laboratory, Jinan, Shandong, China
DARWIN: Survival of the Fittest Fuzzing Mutators
Patrick Jauernig∗ , Domagoj Jakobovic‡ , Stjepan Picek§ , Emmanuel Stapf∗ and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi†
∗Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
†Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
‡University of Zagreb, Croatia
§Radboud University and TU Delft
2023 Best Technical Poster Award Winner:
A Monte Carlo Ensemble Approach to Automatically Identifying Keywords in Binary Message Formats
Jared Chandler (Tufts University)

Best Technical Poster Award winner Jared Chandler receiving his certificate from Program Committee Co-Chair Wenyuan Xu
2023 Best Poster Presentation Award winner:
VICEROY: GDPR-/CCPA-complaint Enforcement of Verifiable Accountless Consumer Requests
Scott Jordan (UC Irvine), Yoshimichi Nakatsuka (UC Irvine), Ercan Ozturk (UC Irvine), Andrew Paverd (Microsoft Research), Gene Tsudik (UC Irvine)
Open Access to Top-Tier Research
The NDSS Symposium is one of the few security symposia that offers cost-free access to all abstracts, papers, posters, and presentations that are presented during the event to everyone, regardless of whether they attended the event. Open access strengthens collaborative research and encourages practical application of security solutions. You can find all the papers on the NDSS Symposium website by accessing the program information for each year’s event. Videos of paper presentations are also available on YouTube. Videos from NDSS Symposium 2023 will be available shortly.
NDSS Symposium 2024
The NDSS Symposium 2024 will take place from from 26 February–1 March 2024 in San Diego, California. Registration will open in October. The Call for Papers (Summer Cycle) deadline is 19 April 2023. Check the Submissions page for subsequent Calls for Papers and Calls for Workshop proposals.
If you’d like so support emerging research and the the next generation of leaders in the security field, take a look at the NDSS Symposium sponsorship opportunities.
Stay Informed
You can keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments on the NDSS Symposium 2024 website and on social media at Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube.
Image copyright: ©Wes Hardaker