Eva Frölich has been in the Internet environment since mid 1990´s. She has participated actively to develop the Internet environment both on a global and national level. She has experience and knowledge about ICANN, IETF, CENTR, ISOC, RIPE and is familiar with how governance works.
She was vital in transferring the Swedish toplevel domain .se from a tld handled by a single indivual into a professional organization during the late 1990:s.
She has participated in almost all of the ICANN meetings held between 1997 and 2007. During 2004-2005 she served on the ccNSO Council elected by ICANN NomCom.
Eva was a founding Board Member of CENTR, the European Council of Top Level Registries. She held a Board position from 1998-2001 and was responsible for technical questions within the Board.
From 2004 until the end of 2007 Eva served as a Board Member of PIR, the .org Registry. During 2005-2006 Eva held the position as Chair and during 2007 she served as a CEO and working Board member for 6 months until she left PIR Board at end of 2007.
In 2005 Eva together with her partner started her own Registrar- and hosting company Frobbit! The company is steadily growing. Consultancy services is offered and Eva has, as consultant, helped governments globally to develop their cctld and local Internet community.
Between 2007 and 2010 Eva served on the Board of Registrars.se, an association of .se Registrars with the aim to build the best cctld environment globally compared.
Eva has been a member of ISOC-SE since 1999.
Eva holds a Masters in Telecommunications Engineering and started her career within the Telecommunications sector and has also worked as a governmental employee.
Eva joined the Internet Society Board of Trustees in 2012. During her first two years on the Board of Trustees she served as Treasurer and since July 2012 has been the Chairwoman.